Saturday, May 22, 2010

Do The Math

Our bodies are made up of simple math.  How many calories did you eat today?  How much exercise did you get in today?  For me, I MUST move to maintain and/or eat only 1325 calories.  Our resting metabolic rate says it all, aka RMR.  When I was at Fitness Ridge I decided to really get in touch with my body and did the 5:30AM RMR test.  The more I understand about my body the better chance I have achieving my goals.  We all burn calories everyday just living and breathing.  Some people have such a high RMR you wonder how they can eat what they eat and stay thin.  Many of those people are walking time bombs.  They have spent their entire life eating whatever they want with little concern of cholesterol, sugars, salts, etc.  At least an overweight person knows what they are doing to their body and have a clue about their risk.

The basic RMR test can be done at many websites, here is a accurate website to check it out at:

Now knowing my RMR I am very aware of my calorie allowances.  I have been living by this knowledge since I started my journey to good health.  It makes sense, if we want to succeed in anything we want to know everything we can before we start.  Every other time I tried to achieve weight loss, I was simply "dieting".  (oh, do I hate that word)  The second step was to set a goal for myself.  I have set up 3 goals since January, my first one was in March for the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies.  I was 198 late January and wanted to weigh 182 by March 15.  I missed my goal by 2 pounds, but I was more than happy with the results I did achieve.

Here is a great goal weight calculator:

So here is the deal, our bodies are made up of simple math.
Step one, find out your RMR, this is the calories you burn doing absolutely nothing more than breathing.
Step two, set your first goal for yourself, and make it realistic.  Setting small goals along the way makes it possible for you to reach your goal.  With every goal you make it is like taking steps to the prize.

Do the math, it is a very simple equation of calories in, calories out.   I attribute my successes this time to that simple equation and know this is my forever formula.

I also have the extra encouragement of a bodybugg and display watch, however there is a Polar F7 watch that can read the calories you burn at a much smaller price.  Best price I have found for the bodybugg is at, the display watch I have only found at  Those two items cost me just under $300.00.  The Polar F7 watch also comes with a heart rate strap and can be bought for $109.00.


  1. Thanks Cat for posting on my most frustrating subject! My body (metabolism) just does not seem to want to play by the "simple math rules". I also track all my food and exercise, and using "the math" I should have lost at least a pound a week, yet I have stayed the same weight for the last two months....whine, whine! I'm glad it works so well for you!! And I will not give up!! But I must plan a new math equation....I don't think I should change eating around 1200 calories per day, but maybe I should try to INCREASE my total calories burned from the current 2100 per day? Gurrr....I am so frustrated! Sorry to carry on so....but your subject matter really hits a rough spot with me....LOL! Thanks for letting me vent.

  2. What an informative post!! I am so glad to see things are continuing to go well for you!!
