Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Reflection...You can look at this word in 2 when you see your reflection and you question why you are not thrilled with what you see, and secondly, and for me this past week, most importantly....

Reflection...why is it NOT working? What am I doing wrong? What is stopping me from succeeding? Yes that is what I did last week, I reflected on what was causing my problems recently and I concluded, my number one is NOT willpower, I can be number one is timing of eating. I am a horrible on the run kind of eater and it makes for horrible food choices. So I went to the store last week and stocked up on the things that will help me to be on-the-go and healthy.

R*E*F*L*E*C*T and try and pinpoint the exact problem you have with making your commitment and sticking with it.

come interact at the newly formed group: