Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Good bye 2014, Hello 2015!!

Hi All, welcome to 2015!!  My year went off like a BANG!..my baby got engaged on Dec 20 and with her sister visiting for the holidays we were out dress shopping on Dec 26.  Venue already picked, dress bought...and a CD released for my husbands band.  Requiring all my time when I pledged to get going as soon as 2015 hit!  I didnt mean get going with so many festivities...I meant get my life back!! but its all cool...

So on the health front...first off...the FEET...my feet have been a problem since April of 2013, so severe that I was barely able to walk a block without excrutiating pain.  As many know it put me in a downward spiral and I confessed to becoming depressed.  I was so active with hiking exercise and was so thrilled about my weight then everything fell apart.
As we begin 2015 I am proud to announce that I have not had a shot since April 2014 and my feet are on the mend.  I would say I am close to 80% better, a lil weary and afraid of relapsing but I can even walk barefoot without pain now!  I thank Merrell for their fine line of shoes as once I got rid of my $400 orthotic and started wearing nothing buy Merrrell's everything started improving...(no matter what a doctor says you know your body best)

I called my daughter, Michelle, the nutritionist and said I needed help!  I needed to get back on the right path.  For some reason I couldn't do it on my own!!
My daughter set me up with an extensive plan, similar to the "Fast Metabolism Diet".
My frig was now full of green, orange and yellow, it was time to get my mojo back!!

I woke up on January 12, 2015 to "the scale"...
"Well, hello again...are you ready...I'm going to put my feet on you now...please please please don't let me go into shock when you light up and tell me what damage I have done to myself".  Honestly, different numbers have been going off in my head now for months, along with the lack of motivation, eating right and simply feeling sorry for myself, I was ready for any number over 200 pounds.  I could see where I had taken myself, every selfie my cheeks were puffy, every time I put on my pants it was a tug and pull, and so many of my favorite clothes were collecting lint hanging for so long in my closet. So it was time to face the dreaded truth....no drum roll...but my heart..yes it was making its own music within my chest as I laid one foot, then the other on that dreaded scale.  It didn't disappoint me, it told me what I already knew...yes...that first number was a 2...can I tell you I was actually grateful when I noticed the next two numbers were 0's.  So here I sit on January 12, 2015 knowing I am 60 pounds over weight!  A whopping 200 pounds.  SMH...that is shaking my head...it was time for change!  So now my rude awakening was going to push me in the right direction and I was sure fired ready for change.

First step, no coffee till after I eat breakfast. Unlike Fast Metabolism Diet,
 which doesn't allow for any coffee... my daughter allowed me to have my morning cup but after breakfast.  I spent the next week doing my best to follow the schedule which required eating all the time!!  Well it felt like it, with eating every 2 to 3 hours.  It was extremely hard for me to juggle it on my gig nights, where I brought my own food with me to eat in the middle of my gigging.  All in all I spent the entire week hating with every inch of my being this damn plan!!  Between Monday and Tuesday it was exercise days...only 45 mins necessary and could be done in one shot or within the two days.  Tuesday was the day for me to exercise.  I first went on my Cross Fit for 5 minutes and when I noticed a bit of a pull in my heel I got off and moved to my stationary bike for the next 40 minutes.  Wow, first time back exercising and the endorphins started kicking in and reminding me of a feeling that I always loved.  After a long hiatus with exercise you know this was a huff and a puff and a definite struggle to do, but I let The Bachelor (mindless TV) entertain me while I pedaled.

Wednesday and Thursday were the worse days for me, I hated the meal plan (different than the first 2 days) and I had to get to the gym for the first time since October 2013, as they reminded me when I entered the gym needing a new pass key.  It was time for 15 mins of arms and 15 mins of leg strength training. OMG...okay...this was my wake up call...as I pushed the pin in on my weights and tried to lift the bar, I found I had to lighten the weights a few times to were a child would be lifting.  That really did it for me.  Its terrifying to think you could go so weak in a few years, and yes I am sure the fact that I became a senior citizen in 2014 doesn't help my case.  I am a weakling!! I'm an OLD weakling!!!   Well this is not going to suffice, damn it!  I refuse to let the aging process win, and I can be the me I want to be...and this is going to change NOW!!!!  My 30 mins of strength training were over and I was headed home with a definite feeling of change within me.

The weekend was much easier however, I ignored the must relax, meditate or get a massage part of the plan.  I was rushed to finish my husbands website so we could start selling his CD's online.  I worked till 9PM Sunday night and pushed it aside to relax a little before bedtime.  Morning was nearing and after a week of containing myself from looking at the scale I was about to do so in just a
few hours.....

This is lengthy so...I am going to stop now and start another post shortly to continue...
In closing...

What are your 2015 goals?  Are you going to be healthier than 2014?  Are you going to find a way to make good things happen?  And as you read this, have you done something positive for yourself?
Anyone care to guess what the scale said on January 19, 2015?

Welcome to 2015 everyone, I'm back!

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